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Sermons on Humility

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Preaching on Humility? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The House of Expectancy


Have you wondered what makes one person open to God and the next person closed? What makes Sally receptive, attentive, responsive to God's ...

When we live in expectancy, rather than expectation, we are open to the person of Christ.

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Your Whole Life Matters to God
Your Whole Life Matters to God


I once read an article in the New York Times entitled "How the Worm Turns." The article focused on a group of scientists who spend ...

All of life is an act of worship and an opportunity to serve and please God.

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Comfort for the Troubled Heart


The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...

The cure for turmoil of the soul is trust in God's character and obedience to him.

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Taming the Beast

Text: Genesis 4:1–16
Topic: How to battle envy


A few years ago, two high school girls in California—well liked, talented and ambitious—attended ...

Envy will destroy us if we don't tame it with love.

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Body Life


That the church is the "body of Christ" is more than simply a figure of speech. The church is the chief means by which Christ works today; ...

Like the members of our physical bodies, each member of the body of Christ is significant and dependent on one another.

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The Shadow of Jesus
The Shadow of Jesus


Well over a hundred years ago, Robert Robinson wrote a hymn that resonates with many of us. One line reads like this: "Prone to wander, ...

There is no one who cannot return to God, because he can do everything we cannot.

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Lessons from Lepers


We often look at thanksgiving backwards. We think of thanksgiving as thanking God for something that has happened to us already. The real ...

Thankfulness creates an opportunity for further blessing.

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Fear of God


A few summers ago, my family took a family trip to Toronto. We'd never been there before, so we didn't know what to see. But all the guidebooks ...

The fear of God leads us to his mercy.

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Cravings and Conflicts

Text: James 4:1–2
Topic: Identifying and addressing the source of conflict


There is a relational conflict in your immediate future. You ...

The source of all conflict is internal craving, but we can experience reconciliation by humbling ourselves before God and others.

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How to Live Beyond Yourself


I don't know if you are like me, but I imagine you are. I imagine there are times in which you feel boxed in by life; not only by what others ...

We can experience fullness of life by acknowledging our weakness, putting our past behind us, striving toward a worthy goal, and going for broke.

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We Don't Have Men Like That


[Editorial comment: Sunukjian delivers this sermon as a first-person narrative. References to props or stage directions will appear in italics.] ...

We are called to live in service to the King.

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Working Out the Working In


Let's suppose that our music minister Daniel and I get together for lunch to talk over some of the special services we're planning this month. ...

How the church displays what God is doing in its midst

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Down the Ladder to the Highest Place


Editorial note: Sunukjian uses a six-foot stepladder as a prop throughout this sermon. References to the prop will be noted in the text in ...

How to find glory in humiliation

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It's Not Thinking Less of Yourself; It's Thinking of Yourself Less


A few years ago, one of my students was speaking to our class about his denominational background. He told the class that the average church ...

How to maintain harmony in the church

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Releasing Resentment

Text: John 21:15–22; 1 Corinthians 13:5
Topic: How we forgive those who hurt us


It may have been King David's lowest moment: His son Absalom ...

Resentment will destroy us, but Christ empowers us to forgive.

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Doing Justice
Doing Justice


I want to talk to you about a concern that lies at the heart of the Prophets, but let's start with a question. Think about the basic human ...

Our response to the injustice highlighted by the Prophets should be to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.

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The Right Way to Handle Church Conflict


I am by nature an idealist. I start almost everything in life by thinking about the best-case scenario. As a young man, I had a best-case ...

The church can disagree in a way that does not threaten its unity and integrity.

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The True Spirit of Christmas


In one Peanuts comic strip, Lucy was saying that Christmas is a time for kindness and a time to forgive one another. Charlie Brown says: "Why ...

The true spirit of Christmas is expressed in humbly acknowledging and submitting to our place in God's plan.

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Public Performance Is Easier than Private Devotion


If you are just joining us, this is the third week in a six-week series entitled "Adventures in Missing the Point." We have been learning ...

The power of authentic piety in a world that talks the talk

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Don’t You Believe It! The Myth of Greener Grass


This morning we’re looking at the last of the Ten Commandments, which deals with desiring something that someone else has, but which we do ...

We’ve been shown grace by God, and we’re to spread that grace around.

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God's Backward Logic


As we all sit here this morning, a good friend of mine lies in the hospital in Gallup, NM, waiting to die. His name is Johnny Womack. Johnny ...

If we want to be used by God, mastering God’s backward logic in the area of humility is necessary.

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How God works his plan for your life


Psalm 138 contains a verse that absolutely thrilled me the first time I heard it. And today, all these years later, I'm still enthusiastic ...

We must keep our hearts yielded to God so he can make his plans for us a reality.

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The Worthy Walk


John Huffman, in his book Who’s In Charge Here? tells about Robert Wilson, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary. One of Dr. Wilson’s ...

Walking worthy of our calling requires us to develop God pleasing characteristics, to rest in unity with fellow believers, and to immerse ourselves in the lordship, faith, and baptism of Christ.

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The Church in a Non-Christian Culture
The Church in a Non-Christian Culture

A significant event takes place in Acts 7, marking a trend in church history that unfortunately continues to this day: persecution. In this text, Stephen, ...

Our mission is to change the world by changing lives in humble, merciful love.

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The Great Reversal


I don't know about you, but I have always been amused by oxymorons. For those of you who have never heard that term, an oxymoron is a combination ...

We can enter into the kingdom of heaven only by humbly admitting that we need help to get there.

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Grace Under Fire


When I was young, I used to love reading comic books. Not only did I enjoy comics, I used to enjoy looking at the advertisements in the ...

Christians are called to show meekness through their actions, and will be blessed for doing so.

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Humble and Proud of It


Bob Hope tells this story: "I got a call from a fellow who said I'd been named Man of the Year by his organization because I was an ...

Humility does not cause us to think less of ourselves; it allows us to think of ourselves less.

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When You Feel Like Dancing


One day an expert in time management spoke to a group of business students. He said, "Okay, time for a quiz." Then he pulled out a one-gallon, ...

Genuine praise is something God takes seriously.

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A Contrast of Thanksgiving


It seems to me that appreciation is often related to contrasts. We are told the beauty of art is not just in color, but it's in contrast. ...

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Seeds of Change

Have you ever noticed that in most Bibles each section is divided and separated by a heading? These headings, of course, weren't in the original manuscripts ...

In order to become holy, you must become like a little child.

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Great People Do for Others

In the recent NCAA basketball Final Four playoffs here at Dallas, I was interested in the statement made by one of the coaches prior to the game. He was ...

Truly great people commit to serving others and trusting in God's provision.

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Glory to God in the Lowest

Christmas is a time of surprises. A lady was preparing her Christmas cookies. There came a knock at the door. She went to find a man, his clothes poor, ...

The meaning of Christmas is best pondered in silent humility.

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Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys
Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys

When I was a boy growing up in New York City, one of the nicest ways for me to spend a Saturday afternoon was at the matinee of the neighborhood theater. ...

Humility comes from looking at God and then seeing ourselves.

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The Often-Overlooked Benefits of Losing

In our society being called a loser is the ultimate indignity. You can almost hear someone say, "Call me a liar or a cheat, but please stop short of ever ...

Losing helps us spiritually because constant victories distance us from God

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When God Bent Down
When God Bent Down

Before there were vast black holes sucking matter into the staggering abyss of interstellar space; before there existed stardust and subatomic particles ...

Christ stooped so low to show us his unimaginable glory.

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The Contrast of Thanksgiving


It seems to me that appreciation is often related to contrasts. We are told the beauty of art is not just in color, but it's in contrast. ...

Contrast is important in developing an attitude of gratitude in our lives.

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