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Sermons on Faith

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Preaching on Faith? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Inquiring of the Lord


I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...

Inquiring of the Lord enables us to identify God's plan for our lives and experience his provision.

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God's Noninterventions


When I was a boy, my sister left our home in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, and traveled to Central Bible College. She had a lifelong problem with ...

There is a purpose to God's silence.

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Back to Reality


Do you know what it is like to have a mountaintop experience and then come down hard when necessity forces you to get back to reality? Maybe ...

Our disappointment does not negate God's power or his potential.

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A Day in the Life of Simon of Cyrene

Text: Mark 15:21
Topic: What it might have been like for Simon of Cyrene to take up Jesus' cross.


My time on the road of history was brief. ...

We are all called to take up the cross for Christ.

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The Cry of Mystery

Text: Matthew 27:39–49
Topic: The meaning of the fourth word of Jesus from the cross, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"


The ...

The Father's love is with us in our darkest hours, just as it was with Jesus in his darkest hour.

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A Christmas To-Do List


Most of us have heard the Christmas story so many times that we think we know what it's all about, but the fact is we might have passed over ...

What's at the top of your list this season?

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For Better, but Worse


When the great Chicago Cubs second baseman Ryne Sandberg was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame this past summer, he began a speech as ...

When it looks like you've married badly

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The Valley of Death's Shadow

Everyone walks through valleys.

Donald Barnhouse was the pastor of Philadelphia's Tenth Presbyterian Church when his wife died and left him with young ...

Even in the darkest valley, we can trust that God is with us and in control.

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My Name Is Harbona

My name? Harbona. My job? The title depends on what country you're in. In Britain, I would be called a personal valet. In America, I would be a male private ...

God will take care of his people through his own methods and in his own timing.

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A Mind-Expanding Faith


Some time ago, my wife got me a unique birthday present: a ride in a hot-air balloon. We went together to the field where all of the hot-air ...

Faith requires risk and choice, but it also brings big rewards.

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Can Jesus Trust Us?


The year was A.D. 155, and persecution against Christians had swept across the Roman Empire and come to the city of Smyrna. The proconsul ...

John is an example for all Christians of a person that trusted Jesus, and was trusted by Jesus.

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Who Do We Think We Are?


"Who do we think we are? How do we know we're right? Can every other religion be wrong?" I would hazard a guess that this is the number one ...

Can every other religion really be wrong?

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Show Me


In the United States, each of the 50 states has a nickname. Florida is known as "The Sunshine State." New York is called "The Empire State." ...

Because Christ has risen, the Spirit of Truth has come to empower us to take the leap of faith.

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What's Holding You Back

Shortly after returning home from World War II, a fellow named Earl decided to buy a television set. He went to the store and asked for a demonstration. ...

The fear of failure can be overcome by putting yourself in God’s hands.

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The View From Up Here


I love mountains. I love to gaze upon them and I love to climb them. For the last few years, I have taken an annual hunting trip to the Rockies ...

We are saved by grace through faith in order to do God's will.

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Preparing for Battle-Part 2


The soldier who stepped out of the ranks and issued the challenge was an incredible sight. He was over nine feet tall – a giant among men. ...

All believers are caught up in a great war between God and Satan and have been given full armor, the spiritual equipment to defeat the enemy.

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A Life Worth Saving


There’s a story of a man who risked his life to save a boy trapped in a burning building. The doorway was blocked, the room was filled with ...

Just make sure your life is worth saving.

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Praying Through God's Silence


Hear these words from the Word in Matthew 15:21–28:

Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman ...

When we worship and humbly persist, God will speak.

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You're In Good Hands


Have you ever noticed that the fear of getting a shot is often worse than the shot itself? You dread the moment, dread the moment, dread ...

You are in good hands here, because you are in God's hands.

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What to Do When God Seems Far Away

When I became a Christian, at the age of 16, I experienced an incredible change in my life. It was like I became a new person. The most profound change ...

It's not a feeling we depend on; it's a faith we live by.

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It's a Good Thing You've Got Problems

I was at a camp meeting revival a few years ago. The evangelist was preaching away at full throttle when a big fly zoomed by him. He swatted at it and ...

Life's minor problems can help us grow if we remember to let God help us.

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Harassed but Hopeful


On November 14, 1999, thousands of churches around the world observed the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This day ...

Jesus promises that all Christians will experience persecution, yet commands us to remain joyful in the midst of it by focusing on our reward in heaven.

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Stop Worrying and Start Living


The average American is in a bad mood 110 days out of the year, according to Harper's Index. That means that for about 30 percent of the ...

Instead of worrying, Christians must trust God, put him first, and take life one day at a time.

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Walking on Water


For over a hundred years, since 1889, in the last week of July, Canadian Indians from many different tribes--Cree, Chippewa, Blackfoot, ...

The most important thing we need to do in life is keep our eyes focused on Jesus.

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When You Need a Miracle

As we continue in the Matthew series, we begin to see glimpses of the greatness of Jesus.

In the first few chapters of Matthew we saw how he was destined ...

In order to make a difference in the lives of others, we need to let God make a difference in us.

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Learning to Live On a Higher Level of Faith

A pastor was hired by a church, and the youth leader and music director took him fishing so they could spend some time together getting to know one ...

Step out in faith, so that through God's power you will be able to do the seemingly impossible.

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The Making of Great Faith

In recent weeks we've talked about faith—trusting God to meet your needs, moving to a higher level of faith—and today in Matthew 15 we'll look ...

Great faith and persistent faith are synonymous.

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How God Supplies Your Needs (Pt 2)

Today we're taking a look at one of the most popular events in the life of Jesus: the feeding of the 5,000. (Actually, it was 5,000 men, not including ...

We don't have to worry about our needs because God will take care of us.

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More Faith More Power

There's a story that's been told about Charles Spurgeon, the great 19th century revival preacher, that goes something like this: He was approached by ...

The tiniest morsel of faith yields empowers you to do the impossible.

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How God Will Answer Your Prayers

Today we will look at the story of miraculous healing that Jesus performed on a man who could neither hear nor speak. Mark's purpose in writing this ...

God answers our prayers in order to strengthen the bond between us and him, in order to help us grow deeper in our walk with Christ.

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How to Make God Happy

Throughout history, people have tried all kinds of crazy things to make God happy. Many devout people from all religions have tried to get on God's ...

Faith pleases God, and God rewards faith.

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Open the Window of God's Blessings

I'm always a little amused at the messages on church signs that I see when I'm traveling across the country. Now, I would think that if a church paid ...

Faith opens the window to God's blessings in your life.

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Stepping Into Freedom

When my friend Russ Martin preached on this passage, he titled the message "Who's Yo Mama?" As you may have noticed, I'm a little more timid when it ...

If we are to live in victory, we must break free once and for all from the chains of slavery to the law, and embrace the freedom in Christ that God has promised to all of us through faith.

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Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Today we're beginning a new series called "Soul Survivor." It's about getting through life with your faith intact. In this series we will examine four ...

We can know that God loves us, know that our sins are forgiven, and know that we have eternal life in him.

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The God Who Is There

Note: this message follows the lectionary reading for December 27, but obviously can be preached before Christmas if you change the introduction.

Do you ...

God wants to be involved in our lives day-to-day.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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Christ the Center
Christ the Center

"He is before all things and in him all things hold together."

This passage, a hymn to Christ, has drawn to itself a considerable body of studies ...

When Christ is central we gain the perspective we need for life.

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Come! See! Go! Tell!

This morning you have heard the Easter story as it comes to us from the Gospel of Matthew, and I want to walk our way through it this morning as a background ...

We are warmly invited to a personal faith that goes out to the world to testify what has happened to us.

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A Faith that Functions

Not long ago one of our British playwrights had a characteristic Christian line in one of his plays: "It's not death, it's life that defeats the Christian ...

When we have a proper perspective, it's easier to live our faith

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Jesus Is Alive

If Jesus is not alive, then what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15 is really true. It says, "If Jesus be not raised from the dead ... we are of all ...

There is solid evidence for us to believe Jesus is alive.

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The Foolish and the Wise

Jesus teaches a parable at the close of the most famous expositional sermon ever givenour Lord's exposition of the Torah, the Lawwhich is recorded in ...

Building your life upon Jesus enables your faith to weather life's storms.

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What About Sudden Conversion?

I am very intrigued by the new invention that is now being foisted upon some parts of the American people, whereby on closed-circuit television they ...

Sudden conversion is the very heart of the gospel.

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Equipped to Face the Two Biggest Fears in the World

I would like to ask you a question this morning: What are the two biggest fears in your life? If I get boring, where will your mind wander? That's one ...

The resurrection of Jesus Christ helps us face our fear of dying and our fear of living.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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Finding Significance in Obscurity
Finding Significance in Obscurity

I would expect 99 percent of the people in our society feel very obscure; the kind of feeling that whatever I do doesn't really matter. Nobody ...

Obscurity changes to significance, when we turn our lives over to the Lord.

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It was his first day on the job. He was a new clerk in the green goods department of a supermarket. A lady came up to him and said she wanted to buy half ...

There is no rational reason God loves us; he loves us just because.

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Running Through the Cemetery

Have you noticed how much running there is in this text? This is a breathless text. It's got sweat all over it. Everybody in this text is running. You ...

Knowing that Jesus has come for us and called us by name should send us running with joy.

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Trusting God in Times of Crisis


What do you do when life takes you all the way out to the ragged edge of reality?

I grew up with a guy named Craig Stillwell. We were good friends ...

It's not easy to "be still and know that I am God" in the middle of crisis. But the rest of this psalm gives us clues how we can do just that.

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Making Sense Out of the Storm

We are approaching a time meteorologists have identified as hurricane season, storm season. As we read the papers, we see storms in a variety of shapes ...

We can learn much from the account of Jesus walking across the water in the midst of the storm, and from Peter’s boldness to walk on the water toward him.

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Scripture records of Jesus Christ that on one particular occasion he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, and he saw two Simon, who called ...

Jesus calls us to lay aside our differences and our distractions, and to take up the cross.

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