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Sermons on Choice

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Preaching on Choice? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Praying Through Our Struggles
Praying Through Our Struggles


What is the one thing we all have in common? We all struggle, we all know what it’s like to go through hardships. We may struggle with ...

4 questions to ask ourselves to help us navigate our struggles.

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The Plans of a Fool
The Plans of a Fool


My wedding ring is inscribed with one of my favourite verses in the Bible: Jeremiah 29:11, maybe you may know what it says already. It talks ...

God guarantees to give us all the power we need to fulfill his purposes.

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Connecting the Dots at Christmas
Connecting the Dots at Christmas


My professor Haddon Robinson from seminary tells a story about a married woman who decided to go on her own private vacation to Europe. She ...

Sometimes seemingly imperfect timing is perfect for accomplishing God’s purposes.

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Average Asher
Average Asher


Hidden away in the some of the most tedious books of the Bible, among a myriad of unpronounceable names, lies one of the most remarkable stories ...

Who you are today will impact generations to come.

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Lean Up
Lean Up


One of the most talked about books in recent years is Sheryl Sandberg's bestseller, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Sandberg is ...

Every day and moment matters.

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Embrace Your Reponse Ability


Each week in this series we've asked this question: Am I taking responsibility for my life—really? The reason we've been asking this ...

Life is uneven, but God cares about what we do with what we have.

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Doubters Anyonymous


"He is risen": it's the heartbeat of the message of the Christian church. These three English words are translated from one Greek word, egeirō, ...

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Decisions Good Dads Make
Decisions Good Dads Make


When we think about fathers, we often search the Bible for stories about Abraham. We study the plight of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. ...

Mordecai provides us with a great example of how to be a good father.

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Living for More and Getting Less

An insightful student of our culture, Francis Schaeffer wrote this observation on Americans just before he passed away, "It is my observation that Americans ...

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The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I have grown to love the theme of God's guidance. This is a chance to ...

We need to learn to recognize and follow God's guidance.

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There's good news and bad news about our gospel passage. First the bad news: this is one of the most difficult, disturbing, and surprising ...

Freeing Your Heart

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How to Be Blessed in the New Year

From the editor

Your listeners will have to make a number of choices in the new year, but no choice is more important than the choice between living within ...

There are two important questions for us to ask as we enter the new year.

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Cross Here


One of the great ironies of history is that those who took Jesus to Calvary believed they were forcing him to his dead-end; in reality, Jesus ...

When you can't get there from here

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Cross Talk


There are times when the greatest power to change the world proceeds not from an act of forceful self-assertion, but from an act of gracious ...

When silence is not golden

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Cross Bow


I recently turned on the news and found myself confronted with another one of those stories that have become so common; my great fear is that ...

When homicide feels justified

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Cross Over


It was an ordinary day of commuting Cameron Hollopeter. The 20-year-old film student made his way down the steps into a New York City subway ...

When you come upon people in pain

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Cross Out


In August of 2003, the Church of the Holy Cross in New York City was broken into twice. In the first break-in, thieves made away with a metal ...

When we'd like the Cross to be just for Jesus

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Doubters Anonymous

Text: John 20:19–29
Topic: Dealing with doubt


"He is risen": it's the heartbeat of the message of the Christian church. These three English ...

If the resurrection is true, it demands our whole life.

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A Crop Is A Crop


We've been considering what it means to be jars of clay—ordinary, fragile people living in a difficult and dangerous world. The message ...

You harvest as much as you sow, and never more.

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Doubts in Belief


I once participated in a very interesting conversation. A group of sixteen evangelical pastors, who believed the Bible and had good ministries, ...

Trusting Christ is not an issue of Christ's ability, but rather an issue of our faith.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd


I don't know much about sheep. I was born and raised in the suburbs, and we didn't have sheep. In fact, they were probably illegal. ...

When we say, "The Lord is my shepherd," we acknowledge our dependence upon him, his ownership of us, and our personal relationship with him.

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The Story of Our Broken World


When I was about ten years old, my dad, a medical doctor, received a special gift from one of his patients: a beautiful globe with shiny sequins. ...

How believing a cosmic lie shattered paradise

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God's Noninterventions


When I was a boy, my sister left our home in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, and traveled to Central Bible College. She had a lifelong problem with ...

There is a purpose to God's silence.

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Jesus Uncensored


I want you to replay a video in your head about coming to chapel this morning. You leave your room, checking your watch to make sure you have ...

Jesus didn't just bring love and peace—he brought a sword, too.

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My Favorite Heroes: Esther


Some time ago I went on a retreat, and one of the topics at this retreat was how we're all created for a mission; everybody was made for a ...

Why we all need to watch out for shadow missions

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When You Feel Under Appreciated--Mother's Day


I’ve noticed that sometimes children enjoy looking at photo albums. Both of our girls, for some reason, really enjoy getting out all the family ...

When we feel underappreciated, we need to remember that God is watching and will reward us for our efforts.

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Hilarious Hupotasso


This is a hot button issue: the woman's role in church and family. Feelings are running high, and we all bring a certain bias with us.

© Jill Briscoe, 1993 Preaching Today Issue #117 A resource of Christianity Today International
Wives should submit to their husbands voluntarily, without losing their God-given identities.

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Losing Our Minds

Sermon One


How do you put together the pieces of the puzzle of life? When a terrible storm sweeps over your life and blows your careful constructions ...

Why life needs to be about more than feelings

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Reality Shows

Sermon Two


Imagine a report comes on the television that a terrible tragedy has just befallen a group of people beyond your town. Person "A" ...

Why Jim Carrey & Keanu Reeves movies matter to everybody

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Quantum Communion

Sermon Three


For more than 1600 years, Christianity occupied the head seat at the vast communion table that came to be called Western Civilization. ...

What the new science confirms about life

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Image is Everything

Sermon Four


One of our church members recently recounted to me the story of a woman named Lorena, who directs the Onessimu Brother's Home in ...

Why it matters so much what we think of people

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Choosing Sides

Sermon Five


The year was 536 B.C., the third year after the great Persian king, Cyrus, had overthrown the vast kingdom of Babylon, and a new ...

What hobbits, Jedi's, and English schoolkids have to teach us

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Payback Time

Sermon Six


Almost everyone I know wants to believe what the Bible says in the first verse of Psalm 73—that "surely God is good to … ...

Why Clint Eastwood Never Goes out of Style

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Bad to the Bone

Sermon Seven


On all sides today we are reminded that something in this world has gone wrong. Women are abducted in increasing numbers. Precious ...

Can we be honest about what is wrong?

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Sermon Eight


When I was five years old, I was sent to the school nurse by my kindergarten teacher, who was very concerned that I was ill. The ...

Why we never stop looking to the sky

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Life has been described by many as a series of choices. That's partly true. Obviously there are times when our lives are impacted by things ...

We can avoid the consequences of poor decisions by taking God's Word seriously.

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