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Sermons on Authenticity

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Preaching on Authenticity? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Witnesses, Not Experts
Witnesses, Not Experts


Raise your hand if you have ever been called to jury duty. Imagine with me for a moment that you receive that letter in the mail. ...

We proclaim the One we know.

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All About the Resurrection
All About the Resurrection


Are you really who you say you are?

We are doubted every day. Every time we log in. Every time we swipe. Every time we try to unlock our phones. ...

Pastors don’t just get to preach resurrection; we get to live it.

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The Fifth Dimension


There are five parts of me and (probably) you: Part of myself that I know and like and let my friends see; part of myself that I know and ...

There is a part of you that only you and God know—and it should stay that way.

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A Deeply Moving Religious Experience

It was Pentecost Sunday and I had been invited to speak at Washington Cathedral on that occasion because my background has something to do with earthquake, ...

We are responsible to live out the full meaning of God's dream for our lives.

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Encounter: The Vision of Witnessing


Several years ago, I was enjoying a day of recreation on a ski slope in central Wisconsin. While other friends from the church had gone ...

To reach the lost, we must see them with the compassionate eyes of the Father.

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