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Sermon Illustrations about Young People

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Young People to help bring your sermon to life.

Kindergartners Identify Common Brand Logos

Christian author and speaker Skye Jethani wrote about his kindergarten-aged daughter's homework assignment: Help your child identify as many logos as ...

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How to Make God's Clear Words Ambiguous

Lee Strobel uses the following illustration to highlight the moral rebellion that makes clear truths of Scripture much more ambiguous than they are.

Imagine ...

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Children Prefer Food Covered in McDonald's Wrapper

In a study included in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine children were shown to overwhelmingly prefer the taste of food that comes in McDonald's ...

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Millennials Are the Best and the Worst

Alexis Bloomer, a radio personality who interned under Dan Rather, recently (2016) took it upon herself to evaluate what's so wrong with her own millennial ...

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A New Rent-A-Mom Service

Young or old, there are times when all of us need a mother. Like when you get sick for the first time living on your own. Or when you're going through ...

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Gamer Keeps Game Console on for 20 Years

We often learn at a young age that all things come to an end—including life. And yet, somehow we are always doing things to try to prolong our life ...

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Kids These Days

Jerral Hancock was serving as a specialist with the Army's 1st Cavalry Division when his tank outside Baghdad hit a roadside bomb. As the story in ...

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Parents, Being ‘Cool’ … Isn't

A recent piece in The Washington Post observes the growing phenomenon of "cool" parenting—complete with selfies. There's just one ...

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Cellphones: The Invisible Addiction

Baylor University released findings about college students' cell phone use. Their shocking finding? Using cell phones is more time consuming for modern ...

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New York Catholics Are Putting the ‘God’ in GPS

As part of a new initiative to encourage prayer and mission among Catholic youth, the Church is issuing a limited number of prayer coins that contain ...

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