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Sermon Illustrations about Valentine's Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Valentine's Day to help bring your sermon to life.

Kids Try to Describe Love to an Illustrator

It can be difficult to find words that properly articulate the rush of feelings and emotions that accompany being in love—for adults, at least. ...

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Groom Carries Wounded Bride Down the Aisle

Hannah Peterson was involved in a serious car accident just one month before her wedding in Ontario. She broke her pelvis in three places, punctured a ...

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What Real Romance Looks Like in Marriage

For a culture that's bought into the photo-shopped notion that romance equals euphoria, or blissful self-fulfillment, or nonstop infatuation, writer Heather ...

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Our Culture's Three Views of Marriage

New York Times columnist David Brooks argues that there are three different lenses through which to think about marriage decisions—the psychological, ...

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Human Love Has Become Our New "God"

In the book Love: A History, Yale scholar Simon May calls human love our "new god." In his chapter "Love plays God" May writes: "Human love … is ...

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Soul Mate in a Box Relationship Trend

Daniel Jones, the editor for The New York Time's "Modern Love" column, has had access to the love lives of tens of thousands of strangers. From this perspective, ...

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Husband Cares for Wife with Alzheimer's

Editor's Note: Preachers, this is a powerful illustration about the beauty of committed marital love. It's longer than many of our illustrations, ...

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The Song of Songs Will Reach the Unchurched

Isn't the Bible amazing? It has a whole book—the Song of Songs—that is primarily an unabashed celebration of the pleasure of physical ...

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Judge Orders Husband to Date His Wife

A Florida judge handed down an unusual sentence to a husband who had a domestic dispute with his wife.

During the courthouse hearing, Judge Hurley told ...

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Husband Discovers How His Wife Handled Their Conflicts

There was once a couple who had been married for 60 years. Throughout their life they had shared everything. They loved each other deeply. They had not ...

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