Sermon Illustrations about Valentine's Day
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Valentine's Day to help bring your sermon to life.
The Grace of a Loving Marriage
It is the highest grace of God when love continues to flourish in married life. The first love is ardent, is an intoxicating love, so that we are blinded ...
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Noticing the Goodness
Since Tom and I, by nature, tend to focus on the hole instead of the doughnut, we try hard to "realize life," to call each other's attention ...
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Levels of Love
Perhaps you read the story about a woman and her husband who came to a pastor and said, "We're going to get a divorce, but we want to come to ...
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Love Must Be Blind
It is impossible to keep peace between man and woman in family life if they do not condone and overlook each other's faults but watch everything to ...
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Mixed Messages About Sex
Girls in our culture are caught in the crossfire of our culture's mixed sexual messages. Sex is considered both a sacred act between two people united ...
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Failing at Divorce
A woman came to a lawyer and said, "I want to get a divorce. I really hate my husband, and I want to hurt him. Give me some advice." In addition ...
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The Love for a Spouse
The love toward one's spouse burns like a fire and seeks nothing but the person of the spouse. It says: I do not desire what is yours; I desire neither ...
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World of New Thrills
People get from books the idea that if you have married the right person you may expect to go on "being in love" for ever. As a result, when ...
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