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Sermon Illustrations about TV

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on TV to help bring your sermon to life.

You Have a Shorter Attention Span than a Goldfish

A recent study by Microsoft of 2,000 consumers discovered some interesting things. The first is that the average human attention span has gone down. In ...

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The 'Murti-Bing Pill' Helped a Nation Escape Reality

During the height of Marxism in Eastern Europe, the Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz (pronounced Ches-wav Me-wosh) explained how so many intelligent people ...

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Our Niagara Falls-Like Flood of Data

We are in the age of gargantuan numbers, truly instant information, ceaselessly hyperactive social media, when the World Wide Web has become a flood-driven ...

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1968 Letter Decried too Much Violence on TV

On April 4th, 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Two months later (June 6th), Robert F. Kennedy was also shot and killed. That very ...

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How Long Is Your Video of Being Present?

Imagine at the end of your life you're welcomed into the presence of Jesus, who has saved you by his grace. In the midst of all the wonderful things ...

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TV's Impact on Marital Happiness

Do you want an easy way to keep romance alive in your marriage? Turn off the television. That's the advice from researcher Dr. Jeremy Osborn from ...

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Film Critic Can no Longer Tolerate Violent Films

In the 1990s Rod Dreher was working as a professional film critic who reviewed numerous films with graphic violence. But just before the birth of his ...

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TV Shows in Brazil Change Family Values

A 2012 article in New York magazine told the story about a trio of researchers who were trying to solve a sociological mystery. Over the course of 40 ...

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The Deteriorating Standards of Sex on TV

In 1896, a film called The Kiss outraged moral guardians by showing a couple stealing a quick kiss. "Absolutely disgusting," said one critic. ...

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The Addictive Nature of Online or Video Games

In his book Brandwashed, marketing guru turned consumer advocate Martin Lindstrom argues that online or video-based games can be "extraordinarily ...

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