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Sermon Illustrations about Travel

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Travel to help bring your sermon to life.

Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit

In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...

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Faulty Work Nearly Causes Airplane Crash

First, there was a pop. And then a big bang. Air loudly whooshed out of the side of the airplane, which was flying at 16,000 feet with an emergency exit ...

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People Pay to Get Lost on Vacation

Admit it. We’ve all dreamed of escaping our daily routine and walking off into the wilderness to explore the great unknown. The truth is, we all ...

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Jet Stream Reduces Transatlantic Flight Time

Air travelers heading east for the holiday season had another thing to be thankful for ... the jet stream. According to CNN meteorologist Sara Tonks, ...

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Dog Eats Passport Before Destination Wedding

A couple's destination wedding was almost in jeopardy when their dog, Chickie, chewed up the groom's passport just days before the wedding. Donato ...

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Our Two Spiritual Time Zones

Sandra McCracken writes in an article in CT magazine:

I woke up before the sun on a recent morning, just home from some overseas travel. The discomfort ...

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Brazilian Child Sneaks onto Plane

Every parent has to keep an eye on their children, but some children are more determined than others to get into mischief. Still, Brazilian mom Daniele ...

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God’s Love and the Height of the Heavens

David rejoices in the fact that God's steadfast love toward those who fear him can be illustrated by the height of the heavens above the earth (Ps. ...

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A Missed Flight That Changed a Life

On May 25, 1979, Denis Waitley was desperately trying to catch a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. When he arrived at his gate, they had just closed ...

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This World Is Not Our Home

A tourist was once travelling through the area where the famed Rabbi Hofetz Chaim was living. Being a great admirer of the rabbi, he made inquiries whether ...

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