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Sermon Illustrations about Testing

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Testing to help bring your sermon to life.

How to Keep Stress from Harming You

A recent book discusses the combined effect of belief and stress on the body:

It has been commonly known from decades of psychological research that life’s ...

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Why Warnings Are Not Heeded

For the past eight years, Kim McClain, has been a research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies. She has traveled ...

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Florida ATM Thieves Foiled by Thermodynamics

Two enterprising wannabe burglars are probably vowing to watch fewer action movies, and instead do more research on the tools of their trade. Local police ...

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For Elite NBA Players, Pressure is Biggest Opponent

By the time an elite player ascends to the NBA, that player has hoisted an almost incalculable number of shots, both in games and in practice. One would ...

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In Severe Trials Broken Pastor Proclaims ‘I Love You Jesus’

Andrew Brunson, a Christian pastor from North Carolina spent 20 years in Turkey. He had a quiet but deep ministry there until 2016, when after a failed ...

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Officer Fails to Intimidate 12-Year-Old Journalist

Conventional story says that journalists should avoid becoming a part of the story they are trying to cover. But when budding reporter Hilde Lysak left ...

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Cancer and Suffering Can Obliterate Racism

The first time you park your car in the vast, cold cavern of the underground garage and step onto the [hospital] elevator, you may feel alien and forsaken. ...

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Tiny Bird Senses Severe Storm Coming and Flees

Science Daily reported on the ability of certain birds to sense storms coming and to protect themselves:

In East Tennessee there's a bird known as the ...

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Aging Detroit Stadium Resists Demolition Attempt

After a dramatic countdown and the expected sights, sounds and smells of explosions and plumes of smoke, onlookers were denied the ultimate spectacle ...

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White House Deputy Director Trusted God When Facing Death

My husband, David Kuo —former deputy director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives—fought cancer with dignity ...

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