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Sermon Illustrations about Ten Commandments

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Ten Commandments to help bring your sermon to life.

Timeline Shows How Luxuries Become Necessities

An article from The Atlantic observed that over the past 100 years we have often turned yesterday's luxury products into today's necessities.

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Violating God's Law Is Like Putting Our Hand in Fire

Dorothy Sayers, the mystery writer, was also a devoted Christian. Dorothy Sayers was attempting to explain the moral law of God. She pointed out that ...

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Bare-headed Rider Dies Protesting Helmet Law

Over the 2011, 4th-of-July weekend, a group of motorcyclists gathered in Onondaga, New York, to ride in protest against the New York state law that requires ...

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Thanking God for His Goodness Prevents Envy

"Envy is resenting God's goodness to others and ignoring God's goodness to me."

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Luxury Cruise Turns Sour

Recently I spoke with a friend named Carol (name changed) who had just returned from a difficult ocean cruise. She works for an organization that was ...

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Kay Warren Sees Human Capacity for Evil

Kay Warrrent writes:

The first time I visited Rwanda, I went looking for monsters, albeit a different category of monster—the kind that isn't ...

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French Investor Caught for $7 Billion Fraud

Have you ever gotten yourself in big trouble—really, really big trouble? So big you can't even conceive of how much trouble you're in? That's ...

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Ladder Safety Mirrors Spiritual Safety

A Health Letter from the Mayo Clinic offered these 12 tips for ladder safety:

1. Have somebody nearby to get help if you fall. 2. Don't get on a ladder ...

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Chesterton on the Ten Commandments

If men will not be governed by the Ten Commandments, they shall be governed by the ten thousand commandments.

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Chesterton on Defining Evil

Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.

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