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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Warfare

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Warfare to help bring your sermon to life.

The Devil's Entree

Irritation in the heart of a believer is always an invitation to the devil to stand by.

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With Progress Comes Danger

The further the soul advances, the greater are the adversaries against which it must contend.

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Helpful Heretics

Heretics often provided a great service to the church. For example, Marcion rejected the Old Testament and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John, thus ...

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Big Difference

The devil tempts us to bring us down, but God tests us to bring us up.

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Contending for the Faith

Opposition is a fact: the Christian who is not conscious of being opposed had better watch himself for he is in danger.

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Conversion: Just the Beginning

When I was converted, I made this mistake: I thought the battle was already mine, the victory already won, the crown already in my grasp. I thought the ...

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To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice

The utter obedience required in the military is accepted as necessary, even when one's life may be the price of that obedience. Why does the Christian ...

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The Devil's Favorite Tool

I read once that the Devil was having a yard sale, and all of his tools were marked with different prices. They were a fiendish lot. There was hatred, ...

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Getting Beyond Discussion

Let us cease arguing about the existence of demons and concern ourselves with what the demons are actually doing.

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We Do Not Fight Alone

In the book Healing the Masculine Soul, Gordon Dalbey says that when Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the Helper, he uses a Greek word, paraclete, that ...

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