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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Formation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Formation to help bring your sermon to life.

Virtual Fences Keep Livestock from Wandering

Cole Mushrush does two things when he wakes up each morning at the family ranch: make up a pot of coffee, then fire up his laptop to see if any cows have ...

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Millennials Return to Church

More millennials attend church weekly now than before the start of the pandemic. According to a Barna Group survey of 13,000 adults, roughly 16 percent ...

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Finland Promotes Silence as Natural Resource

One icy night in March 2010, 100 marketing experts piled into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki. They had the modest goal of making a remote and medium-sized ...

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Unrealized Strength

When we think of strength in God’s creation, we might think of elephants but rarely would we think of an octopus. After all, an octopus doesn’t ...

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Bible Reading Is Dropping Dramatically

Bible reading dropped dramatically in 2022. It is unclear why. Roughly 50 percent of American adults reported opening Scripture at least three times a ...

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Faith of Our Mothers

When children have questions about their heavenly Father, their first instinct is to ask their mothers. Christian women tend to be more devout than men, ...

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Working from Home Is Killing Our Social Lives

On the topic of work/life questions, Marie Le Conte writes in The New Statesman, that “Working From Home Is Killing Our Social Lives.” For ...

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Imitating the Rituals of the Rich and Successful

Where would the self-help and business media be without the secret habits of highly successful people? Almost every week there’s a new article outlining ...

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Bird Dads Guide Young on First Migration

A team of researchers studied a bird species called the Caspian tern. Using GPS, the team followed their annual migration from the Baltic Sea to the African ...

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The Pilgrim’s Crooked Progress

In a review of A.J. Swoboda’s book Dusty Roads, Leslie Fields writes:

We all have stories of getting lost. Here is one of mine: I crossed the Sahara ...

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