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Sermon Illustrations about Shepherd

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Shepherd to help bring your sermon to life.

Using a Shepherd Boy

While traveling in Jordan, Leadership journal editor Marshall Shelley noted:

While driving through the countryside and small towns, you're impressed ...

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Preaching to One

Here's an easy method for testing whether a sermon can deliver: ... Change the setting from a public situation to an individual one. Take away the ...

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His Laps Too Short to Work for God

In a church in Verona stands, or rather sits, a wooden image of St. Zeno, an ancient bishop, with knees so ludicrously short that there is no lap on which ...

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People Who Want Shepherding

People who want to be shepherded tend to stay in the same place.

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Shepherds or Mutton Farmers?

Back when the sacred authors used the imagery of the shepherd to depict Jesus, they had a clear understanding of the job description. A shepherd is needed ...

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Bearing the Markings of Christ

A shepherd owns the sheep and marks them. In some cases, sheep are branded. Although some sheep are branded, that's really not a popular thing because ...

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Just an Ordinary Night

An ordinary night with ordinary sheep and ordinary shepherds. And were it not for a God who loves to hook an "extra" on the front of the ordinary, ...

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He's My Shepherd

For more than fifty years, my father was a pastor and conducted numerous funerals. I particularly remember the tragic death and funeral of my best friend's ...

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Who's Your Shepherd?

I own a marvelous little book written nearly a quarter of a century ago by a former shepherd, Philip Keller. He titled the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm ...

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The First Nativity Scene

In 1224, inspired by the sight of shepherds tending their flocks in the moonlight, St. Francis of Assisi asked a wealthy friend from Greccio, Italy, to ...

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