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Sermon Illustrations about Selfish Ambition

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Selfish Ambition to help bring your sermon to life.

Court Rejects Man’s Attempt to Legally Change His Age

Applicant Emile Ratelband recently petitioned a Dutch court to change his official date of birth. Ratelband, a motivational speaker and hedonist, wanted ...

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Costly Damages Traced to Reckless Gamers Doing Good Thing Badly

A study released by researchers at Purdue University recently traced millions of damages to users behaving recklessly in their attempts to play the massively ...

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Student Survey: Youth Value Success and Happiness

A team of researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education asked 10,000 middle and high school students the following question: "What is most important ...

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Students' Plan to Steal Final Exam Goes Wrong

Finals are finishing up at schools across the country, and for one University of Kentucky student, the stress of a statistics exam was enough to get him ...

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Pope Francis Says Power Intoxicates Without Humility and Love

Did you know that the Pope gave a TED Talk? Whatever you think about the Catholic Church or it's current spiritual leader, he offered these biblically ...

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The Character of George Washington vs. Benedict Arnold

George Washington and Benedict Arnold. Both were dynamic men of action with unquestioned personal courage; both were driven by passionate ambition from ...

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A Lesson from the Chinese View of Humility

The Chinese-American Christian leader Russell Jeung explains how his father taught him a profound lesson on the true nature of humility. Due to the maltreatment ...

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Increase in Self-Promotion in Pop Music

This shouldn't come as a surprise, but a newstudy reports self-regard, self-promotion, and plain old bragging are far more prominent in pop music than ...

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Researchers Observe 'The Power Trap'

In an article for The Wall Street Journal, researcher Jonah Lehrer noted that most of us are nicer as we're climbing the social ladder. But once we get ...

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Poll Reveals Our Six-Part 'New Moral Code'

A recent (August 2015) poll from Barna highlighted what's been called our "new moral code." Here are the percentages of those who agreed "completely" ...

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