Sermon Illustrations about Savior, Christ only
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Savior, Christ only to help bring your sermon to life.
'Bus Driver from Heaven' Rescued Children from California Wildfire
Kevin McKay drove the school bus along gridlocked, dark roads as pockets of fire burned all around. Nearly two dozen elementary school children were on ...
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Child Rescued with Superhero-Inspired Technology
Firefighters in the Los Angeles Fire Department turned to a superhero-inspired solution to help locate a young boy trapped in a sewer pipe. Thirteen-year-old ...
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Trapped Chilean Miners Rescued from Deep Down Dark
In Deep Down Dark, Hector Tobar tells the story of 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 2,000 feet below the surface for 69 days. They had to live in the ...
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Only One Antidote Will Cure Sin
It's difficult for many people to accept that there can be only one way to rescue us from sin and judgement. But a Christian apologist uses the following ...
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Lack of Oxford Comma Costs Company $10 Million
The Oxford Comma is perhaps the most controversial piece of punctuation in the English language. There are conflicting guidelines governing whether or ...
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How All Cultures Can Domesticate the Gospel
The British theologian Leslie Newbigin told the following story to illustrate how different cultures water down the claims of Jesus:
When I was a young ...
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Evangelist Leighton Ford Meets Muhammad Ali
Leighton Ford, evangelist and brother-in-law of Billy Graham, once met the former boxing champion Muhammad Ali at a hotel in Sydney, Australia. Ford listened ...
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Sylvester Stallone Could Not Save His Son
In the summer of 2012, Sage Stallone, the 36-year-old son of actor Sylvester Stallone, died suddenly of a heart attack. Shortly after Sage's death, ...
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Survey Asks 'Do All Religions Lead to God?'
Buried within Pew's study on the American religious landscape was a startling find. Adults who identified with a specific religion were asked whether ...
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One Child Changes History
A picture of a drowned Syrian boy fleeing the war-torn region took over the headlines, and even impacted how European leaders responded to the fleeing ...
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