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Sermon Illustrations about Resentment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Resentment to help bring your sermon to life.

Lingering Effects of Anger

Author and church minister Ed Rowell writes:

When I was young, a neighboring family came down with a devastating illness. Several of the children died, ...

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McCain Struggles to Forgive Captors

Twenty-five years after being released from the Vietnamese jail where he was imprisoned as a POW for five years, John McCain visited Vietnam with his ...

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Asking God Why

It is always best to go first for our answers to Jesus himself. He cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" It was ...

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Bathing in God's Forgiveness

There's a story about a traveler making his way with a guide through the jungles of Burma. They came to a shallow but wide river and waded through ...

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Three Parts of Forgiving

To forgive someone involves three things. First, it means to forego the right of striking back. One rejects the urge to repay gossip with gossip and a ...

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Forgiving Actions

The following story is from an article titled "Your Daffodils are Pretty," (Christianity Today, March 2, 1979, p. 18), in which Josephine Ligon ...

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Forgiveness: Beginning Again

Forgiveness isn't pretending nothing has happened, or pretending that what happened didn't hurt. It isn't even forgetting it completely, and ...

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Bury the Hatchet Deep

Forgiveness is not that stripe which says, "I will forgive, but not forget." It is not to bury the hatchet with the handle sticking out of the ...

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End of Discussion

Old gossip may ... be immoral, a means of locking another person in the past, tying a person to a past sin in a way that is anything but Christian. ... ...

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As We Forgive Our Debtors

A man in conversation with John Wesley once made the comment, "I never forgive." Wesley wisely replied, "Then, sir, I hope that you never ...

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