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Sermon Illustrations about Rescue

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rescue to help bring your sermon to life.

Dumpster Diving Bear Surprises School Principal

When Principal James Marsh arrived at Zela Elementary School in rural Summersville on a Monday morning, he had no reason for alarm. Everything looked ...

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A Sweet, Soft Voice Saved His Life

Eduardo Rocha shares his dramatic testimony in an issue of CT magazine:

It was March 13, 1986, I was all alone and getting high. But I had also gotten ...

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Drone Helps Save Man Who Has Cardiac Arrest

A 71-year-old Swedish man was in his driveway shoveling snow in the Swedish city of Trollhättan, when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Normally, ...

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A Homemade Bumper Sticker Saved a Life

Like many who have felt the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 22-year-old university student Brooke Lacey had her own share of issues. After ...

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God Was Their Deliverer

As a child, Juliet Liu Waite and her sisters would plead with their aunt to tell them the story of their escape from Saigon, South Vietnam. The story ...

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Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd

A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...

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‘Angel’ Paid Elderly Widow’s Grocery Store Bill

Marilyn Oettinger can't stop thinking about it--and neither can her family. "There she was," says her daughter Margie, "confused, flabbergasted, ...

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Woman Waves Red Sari to Warn Train

A brave woman may have saved hundreds of lives in India by waving her red sari to stop a train—after spotting broken tracks further down the line. ...

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Jesus Is Your New Landlord

Think of yourself as living in an apartment house. You live there under a landlord who has made your life miserable. He charges you exorbitant rent. When ...

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Man Restores Church Desecrated by Satanists

In June of 1992, Gloria Davey and a few friends were walking in the English countryside. When they stopped for a rest, they discovered a ruined church ...

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