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Sermon Illustrations about Religion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Religion to help bring your sermon to life.

Nearly Half of Millennials 'Don't Know, Care, Or Believe' In God

The latest survey (2021) from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center found that belief in God has declined between generations:

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Berlin’s New Church of Nothing

A new worship center in the former East Berlin represents the ultimate secular view of religion. It also reflects the kind of cultural future the American ...

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The Emptiness of Instagram’s ‘Quasi-Spiritual Influencers’

Wellness preachers are wildly popular on Instagram. The New York Times calls them “quasi-spiritual influencers” and “Instavangelists” ...

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Popular Relaxation Practice Invokes ‘Spirit Guides’

Reiki is a relaxation practice that claims it promotes physical and emotional healing. The International Center for Reiki Training reports that more than ...

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What’s Missing from Your Gospel?

In Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller tells of a lecture delivered to students at a Christian college. He began by telling them that he was going ...

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The Peace Bridge

In Northern Ireland, there’s a city that’s so divided, part of the population calls it Londonderry and others calls it Derry. In this city ...

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The Coming End of Christian America

America is still a "Christian nation," if the term simply means a majority of the population will claim the label when a pollster calls. But, ...

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American Poet Says ‘All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs’

The American poet, Christian Wiman, recently wrote a poem about how all of his friends are finding new beliefs. One turns to Catholicism while another ...

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Willie Nelson’s Take on God

In a story about country artist Willie Nelson for Rolling Stone, Patrick Doyle writes:

Nelson wrote a new song last night. It’s called “God ...

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Elton John Prefers ‘Higher Power’ Over God

In a recent interview with Fresh Air’s Terri Gross, Elton John explains why he prefers a “higher power” over God:

GROSS: You almost left ...

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