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Sermon Illustrations about Providence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Providence to help bring your sermon to life.

What, Me Worry?

Somebody said to me, "When I worry I go to the mirror and say to myself, 'This tremendous thing which is worrying me is beyond a solution. It ...

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Validating Sign

When a religion is good, I believe it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors ...

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Futile Censorship

In their efforts to suppress circulation of Tyndale's first edition of an English New Testament, the English Catholic authorities wasted the equivalent ...

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Luther on the Apostle's Creed

The First Article: Creation
"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth".

What does this mean?

Answer: I believe that God ...

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Coincidence or Providence?

[A]s somebody said, ... "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."

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Bearing the Markings of Christ

A shepherd owns the sheep and marks them. In some cases, sheep are branded. Although some sheep are branded, that's really not a popular thing because ...

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Saved by Skinned Knees

My 2-year-old and I were walking along a busy street when suddenly she broke loose of my grasp and ran ahead of me. I rounded the corner after her, only ...

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A Problem Becomes a Solution

I stood dismayed in the kitchen of our newly acquired country home--I had accidentally submerged my left foot in a tray of fresh wall paint. A few minutes ...

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Who's Your Shepherd?

I own a marvelous little book written nearly a quarter of a century ago by a former shepherd, Philip Keller. He titled the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm ...

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Our Business Is to Do Right

It is our business to see that we do right; God will see that we come out right.

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