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Sermon Illustrations about Providence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Providence to help bring your sermon to life.

Finding Peace on the Journey

[My friend Marge had an experience] aboard a plane bound for Cleveland, waiting for takeoff. As she settled into her seat, Marge noticed a strange phenomenon. ...

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The Humility of Thankfulness

The modern American seldom pauses to give thanks for the simple blessings of life. One reason is that we are used to having so much. We simply assume ...

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Figuring Out Providence

I get a little weary of these dear souls who have all the dealing and doing of Providence catalogued and correlated and figured out and can give you glib ...

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Ordinary Miracles

God's wonderful works which happen daily are lightly esteemed, not because they are of no import but because they happen so constantly and without ...

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When We Are Weak, We Are Strong

I relive each moment of my visit with Corrie ten Boom (paralyzed by a stroke). I recall how our eyes met as we were fed our cucumber sandwiches. Helpless ...

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Recognizing the Hand of God

Bill McCartney was the head coach of the University of Colorado, and you avid football fans would know that the McCartney family has been through a great ...

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Working for the Good

I was 35 and Will was 38 when we married, both for the first time. We decided to try for a baby our first year, but I had a tendency to miscarry and we ...

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Plowing and Sowing

If God did not bless, not one hair, not a solitary wisp of straw, would grow; but there would be an end of everything. At the same time God wants me to ...

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Meeting God in Odd Places

I need to be continually sensitive to the surprising places where God can meet me.

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God through Me

God's might to direct me, God's power to protect me, God's wisdom for learning, God's eye for discerning, God's ear for my hearing, ...

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