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Sermon Illustrations about Prosperity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prosperity to help bring your sermon to life.

The Story Behind the Self-Storage Movement

In the 1960s Jim Knuppe was building apartments in the Bay Area around San Francisco. Apartments are cramped and usually do not have garages, and Mr. ...

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Lottery Winners Who File for Bankruptcy

If you happened to win the lottery, your financial situation would improve, right? Actually, according to a study, the answer is maybe not. Three economics ...

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Former North Korean Prisoner Talks about Happiness

According to Amnesty International, North Korea has a vast network of gulags that imprison over 200,000 people. The most feared camp is known as "Total ...

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Warren Buffett's 'Jerk Doctrine' of Riches

A Harvard Business Review blog calls it Warren Buffet's "jerk doctrine." Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, once said, ...

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Timeline Shows How Luxuries Become Necessities

An article from The Atlantic observed that over the past 100 years we have often turned yesterday's luxury products into today's necessities.

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Chuck Colson: Life Is More than Money, Power, and Pleasure

Charles Colson tells the following story about his home town of Naples, Florida, which he calls "one of the garden spots of the world."

It's ...

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Research Shows That Money Changes Us for the Worse

A Boston Globe article asked the following question: Does money change you? "Here in the home of the American dream," the article stated, "most ...

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Muslim Man Considers the Cost of Following Christ

Haddon Robbinson writes:

Several years ago, I helped lead a tour in Turkey of the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. On the last night, we ...

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Termites Eat Millions of Indian Rupees

It was an all-you-can-eat buffet at the bank. An army of termites munched through 10 million rupees ($222,000) in currency notes stored in a steel chest ...

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Tim Keller: We Can't See Our Own Greed

Tim Keller writes:

Some years ago I was doing a seven-part series of talks on the Seven Deadly Sins at a men's breakfast. My wife, Kathy, told me, ...

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