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Sermon Illustrations about Preaching

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Preaching to help bring your sermon to life.

Applying God's Word Gets Preacher Run Out of Town

In the American frontier days, there was a settlement in the West whose citizens were engaged in the lumber business. The town felt they wanted a church. ...

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Evangelism and Social Justice Should Both Get Our Attention

Editor's Note: Andy Crouch sets up the quote below with these two sentences: "These days I do not often meet Christians so passionate about evangelism ...

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Doctor Lectures on Surgery as His Patient Dies

There's a scene in Herman Melville's (author of Moby Dick) novel White Jacket that focuses on the ship's chief surgeon, Cadwallader Cuticle, ...

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Traffic Cop Gives Tickets but Avoids Complaints

By the very nature of the business, L.A. County traffic cops receive plenty of complaints about their work. After all, most motorists don't think ...

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Preacher's Rifle Shot Goes in One Ear and Out the Other

Three friends decided to go deer hunting together: a lawyer, a doctor, and a preacher. As they were walking, along came a big buck. The three of them ...

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How the Church Should Address Homosexuality

How should the church speak to our culture about homosexuality? Since there are many different subgroups in the world, it all depends on which group we're ...

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Spiritual Impact Is Like Dominoes Falling

Rich Stearns, the president of World Vision, calls it the domino theory of spiritual impact. Imagine a long line of dominoes. When one falls, it starts ...

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Two Football Coaches and Two Approaches to Motivation

Mike Howerton describes how different were the motivational methods of the two men who coached his high school football team—Coach Crow and Coach ...

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Filmmaker Claims Orators, Not Films, Change the World

Werner Herzog, one of Germany's greatest filmmakers and screenwriters, said in a 2011 interview: "Movies do not change anything … [that's] ...

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Chess Masters Show Our Need for Theology and Doctrine

Many Christians only see bits and pieces of the Bible, lacking a big picture of how the Scriptures hold together. Theology and doctrine provide that larger ...

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