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Sermon Illustrations about Poverty, spiritual

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Poverty, spiritual to help bring your sermon to life.

Lady Gaga Admits Her Self-image Struggles

In a 2010 interview with New York magazine, a self-confident Lady Gaga declared,

I believe that everyone can do what I'm doing. Everyone can access ...

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Girl Carves the Word "EMPTY" into Her Skin

Psychologist Madeline Levine has been counseling teenagers for over 25 years, but recently Levine has begun to see a new breed of unhappy teenagers—smart, ...

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Chuck Colson: God Used My Greatest Defeat

Chuck Colson said in a sermon:

The great paradox [of my life] is that every time I walk into a prison and see the faces of men or women who have been transformed ...

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Tim Keller on Being "Middle-Class in Spirit"

Tim Keller offers the following definition for what Jesus meant by being "poor in spirit":

It means seeing that you are deeply in debt before ...

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Helium Balloon Demonstrates Our Life in Christ

To illustrate how the beauty and majesty of God can cause our hearts to desire him more than we desire sin, J. D. Greer writes:

Think of [our relationship ...

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John Stott Discovers God's Power in His Weakness

John Stott shares the following story from 1958 when he was leading a university outreach in Sydney, Australia. The day before the final meeting, Stott ...

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Philip Yancey Discusses Jesus' View on Prostitutes

In his book What Good Is God?, Philip Yancey writes about being invited to speak at a conference on ministry to women in prostitution. After some discussion ...

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Christopher Hitchens Writes about His Battle with Cancer

In the summer of 2010 the popular author and atheist Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with cancer. With his usual candor and clarity, Hitchens movingly ...

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President Bush Forgives a Staffer Caught in Plagiarism

In 2001 Tim Goeglein started running the White House Office of Public Liaison, providing him almost daily access to then President George Bush. All of ...

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The Terrible Price of Sin

In his book Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar sums up well the terrible price of sin:

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Keep you longer ...

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