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Sermon Illustrations about Persecution

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Persecution to help bring your sermon to life.

Flee Contentiousness

Eschew controversy, my brethren, as you would eschew the entrance to hell itself! Let them have it their own way. Let them talk, let them write, let them ...

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Blessing a Persecutor

Facing arrest as an Anabaptist, Dirck Willems fled for his life across a frozen lake. When his pursuer broke through the ice, Willems gave up his chance ...

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A Guard Against Pride

It is good that we at times endure opposition, and that we are evilly and untruly judged, when our actions and intentions are good. Often such experiences ...

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Pious Evil

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

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When No One Is Left to Speak

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak ...

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Taking the Word to Others

In the 1930s in Stavropol, Russia, Stalin ordered that all Bibles be confiscated and Christian believers be sent to prison camps. Ironically, most of ...

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Who's Master?

Whatever injury wicked men-in-power inflict upon good men is to be regarded ... as a test for the good man's virtues. Thus, a good man, though a slave, ...

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The Cost of a Cross

Clarence Jordan, author of the "Cotton Patch" New Testament translation and founder of the interracial Koinonia farm in Americus, Georgia, was ...

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Tea Parties or Riots?

Where are our wounds? Is there nothing to fight for? How complacent are we about the world's causes, both great and small? Have we accepted with weak ...

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Unfit for Persecution

The greatest criticism of the Church today is that no one wants to persecute it: because there is nothing very much to persecute it about.

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