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Sermon Illustrations about Money

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Money to help bring your sermon to life.

‘The American Dream’ is Slipping Out of Reach

The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the ...

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The De-moralization of American Culture

In his article “How America Got Mean,” David Brooks laments what he calls “the de-moralization of American culture.” Brooks notes ...

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Woman Charged $1,000 for Sandwich

When Letitia Bishop ordered three Subway sandwiches at her local gas station, she probably expected a four-figure receipt – as long as the last ...

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Wendy's Retracts Surge Pricing Following Outrage

For years, Wendy’s has been known to be astute in its use of social media to bolster its brand. But recently the company was caught flat-footed, ...

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The Human Cost of the Sports-Betting Boom

The Supreme Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018, quickly resulting in 38 states plus Wahsington D.C. jumping at ...

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40% of Bettors Have Never Been in a Casino

Is a trip to Las Vegas becoming a thing of the past? A recent survey finds 4 in 10 gamblers have never actually set foot in a casino. A spokesperson for ...

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Your New Car Is Spying on You

Bad news, your car is a spy. If your vehicle was made in the last few years, you’re probably driving around in a data-harvesting machine that may ...

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Bankrupt Grace

Daniel Skeel serves on the faculty of UPenn Law School, specializing in bankruptcy law. In recent years he has been increasingly bold in bringing his ...

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Church Uses Farm Land to Give to Missions

When people at Onecho Bible Church talk about “the mission field,” they mean the many places around the world where Christians are sharing ...

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Even Smart People Are Fooled by Fraud

Would you invest with someone who guarantees a 50% annual return with no risk of loss? Would you reply to an email offering you a share of a lost treasure ...

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