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Sermon Illustrations about Meaning

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Meaning to help bring your sermon to life.

Tim Keller on Idolatry

In an article for the Gospel Coalition, pastor and author Tim Keller offers this potent definition of sin: "Sin isn't only doing bad things, ...

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How to Live Longer

An article in National Geographic identified three regions of the world where people have consistently shown longer life spans: Okinawa, Sardinia, and ...

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Boy Ministers with No Arms or Legs

Thousands are coming to hear him preach. His ministry has gone global. He has a new book coming out. That's quite a résumé for a boy ...

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A Dying Girl Shows Honor of Serving God

Pediatrician David Cerqueira shares a story of how a dying girl showed his church the honor of serving God:

One Sunday my wife had prepared a lesson on ...

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How to Give Glory to God

The glory of God is man fully alive.

—Irenaeus, early Church Father (died c. 200)

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Defining Your Calling

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

—Frederick Buechner, U.S. writer and preacher ...

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Quarterback Tom Brady Still Searching

During the 2007-2008 NFL regular season, New England Patriots' quarterback Tom Brady set the record for most touchdown passes in a regular season, ...

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The "Why" to Live

When Jewish psychiatrist Victor Frankl was arrested by the Nazis in World War II, he was stripped of everything--property, family, possessions. He had ...

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Empty Success

Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at something that doesn't really matter.

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George Clooney's Insomnia

In Men's Journal, writer Doug Stanton talks about actor George Clooney's obsession with work:

"Most of the time," [Clooney] says, "I ...

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