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Sermon Illustrations about Meaning

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Meaning to help bring your sermon to life.

David Brooks on Our Need for Relationships

[The 19th century English poet] Samuel Taylor Coleridge described how his own [son], then three-years-old, awoke in the night and called to his mother. ...

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Studs Terkel on Work

How do you feel about your job? Studs Terkel, the famous Chicago author, interviewed hundreds of people about their jobs and recorded what they said in ...

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Depression Eased by Belief in a Caring God

A study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that "belief in a concerned God can improve response to medical treatment" in patients ...

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A Believer's End Is "Beyond the Grasp of Reason"

God destines us for an end beyond the grasp of reason.

—St. Thomas Aquinas, Italian Roman Catholic priest, philosopher, and theologian (c. 1225-1274) ...

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A Believer's End Is "Beyond the Grasp of Reason"

God destines us for an end beyond the grasp of reason.

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Man Desires the Trust of His Homeless Friend

Author and Pastor Matt Woodley writes in a blog post titled "The Happy Homeless Man”:

A little while ago I wandered into the wrong hospital ...

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Luis Palau Receives a Scripture to Stand on

Luis Palau, the Argentine-born international evangelist, describes how God expanded his ministry:

I was organizing campaigns for other evangelists, but ...

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Life Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

In his book Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in his days as a fiery Baptist evangelist. It is the story of ...

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Different Attitudes Among Silver and Bronze Medalists

A fascinating study done by Professor Vicki Medvec reveals the relative importance of subjective attitudes over and above objective circumstances. Medvec ...

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The Necessity of Hope

What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life.

—Emil Brunner, Swiss theologian (1889–1966)

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