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Sermon Illustrations about Listening

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Listening to help bring your sermon to life.

Heartwarming Reunion Goes Viral

Steve Burns wasn’t conventionally handsome when he first auditioned to become the host of the Nickelodeon children’s show Blue’s Clues, ...

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The Human Library

In the spring of 2000, a unique library was established in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's called the Menneskebiblioteket, which is Danish for, “The ...

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Man Builds Device that Blocks Neighbor's Music

Roni Bandini is an artist and computer coder in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Like a great many Argentinians, he hears a lot of reggaeton music (a blend of ...

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Child Hears ‘Monsters’ in Bedroom

Ashley Class was initially unconcerned when her oldest child complained about monsters in her room. Ashley said, “She was saying she heard monsters ...

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Are You an Illuminator or Diminisher?

I’ve noticed along the way of life that some people are much better at seeing people than others are. In any collection of humans, there are diminishers ...

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Parents Struggle to Answer Kids’ Questions

If you’re a young parent, you’re probably used to hearing “Why?” a lot! With that in mind, a new survey finds moms and dads field ...

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A 60-Year-Long Journey of Friendship

Lew Wilcox and Bobby Rohrbach Jr. met in the summer of 1962, riding their bikes together in a small southern Ohio town.

These days, every Saturday, one ...

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People Express Deep Despair to Elmo

If there was any doubt that the national mood could need a dose of uplift, more evidence showed up in late January. On X (formerly known as Twitter), ...

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Gen Z Welcomes Government Monitoring in Homes

George Orwell’s book 1984 is one of our society’s most frequently referenced illustrations of what life would be like under an authoritarian ...

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A God Who Listens and a God Who Speaks

In his autobiographical novel, Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri describes fleeing from Iran as a boy to escape persecution for his Christian faith. ...

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