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Sermon Illustrations about Individualism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Individualism to help bring your sermon to life.

Google's Monotune Ad Campaign

An ad campaign for Google's Android has a young musician playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement. As his hands fly over the keys, a statement ...

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Celebrity Claims Life Must Be 'I-directed'

After a cancer diagnosis and enduring 17-months of chemo and radiation, Robin Quivers, co-host for shock-jock radio show host Howard Stern, claims to ...

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Welcome to the Cuisine of Have-It-Your-Way

Customized dining has never been easier, according to a recent Washington Post article outlining the proliferation of tell-them-what-you-want food chains. ...

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Pot, Selfies, and Facebook—Welcome to the New Individualism

After analyzing a new Pew survey, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat claims that we're in a new and deeper "age of individualism." In ...

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Alex Rodriguez's (and 'Our') Self-preoccupation

Why would an athlete who has reached the pinnacle of success risk it all by taking anabolic steroids? By 2001, Alex Rodriguez (or A-Rod) had been awarded ...

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The Price of Our Social Disconnection

Over the last 50 years, while society has been growing more and more prosperous and individualistic, our social connections have been dissolving. Emily ...

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Google Word Search Shows Rise of Individualism

A few years ago, Google released a database of over 5 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can now type a search word into the database ...

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Actions of One Soldier Affect Everyone in the Platoon

For fifteen months journalist Sebastian Junger followed a single platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed in a dangerous part of Afghanistan. Living and working ...

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Author Wendell Berry on the Perils of Individualism

Novelist, essayist, and farmer Wendell Berry has a unique image for the perils of individualism. As he was walking with his friend Wes Jackson, they observed ...

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Church Disappears One Brick at a Time

Orthodox Church officials in Russia discovered in 2008 that one of their church buildings had disappeared. Poof—gone! The 200-year-old building ...

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