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Sermon Illustrations about Honor

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Honor to help bring your sermon to life.

Feminist Writer Praises Contributions of Men

In a recent TIME magazine editorial, the self-described feminist Camille Paglia called for an end to what she called our culture's habit of "demonizing ...

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World War II 'Enemies' Forge Unique Bond

In December 1943, German fighter pilot Franz Stigler was in pursuit of American bomber pilot Charlie Brown's plane, looking to shoot it down. If he ...

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Premier Hitter Ichiro Suzuki Protects His Baseball Bats

Japanese-born big-leaguer Ichiro Suzuki is one of the best hitters in baseball. Prior to 2012, he led the Major Leagues in regular season hits on seven ...

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Man Spends Rare Coins at Face Value

In 2012, a 19-year-old man from Washington state named Dakoda Garren was charged with stealing a rare coin collection worth at least $100,000. After Garren ...

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How Billy Graham Treated a Student with Respect

When evangelist Billy Graham was in the prime of fame and influence, author Gordon MacDonald was an unknown student in seminary. Yet one day MacDonald ...

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Simple Prayer Moves Student with Cerebral Palsy

R. C. Sproul shares the story of a college student he once taught who had cerebral palsy. You know what that looks like—spastic movements and garbled ...

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Celebrating the Community Contributions of Believers

Andy Crouch writes in an article titled "Teaching People to Flourish”:

I lived in Boston in the 1980s, and I spoke with a pastor of a major ...

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Fallen Soldier Receives Slow Salute

We live in a fast-paced culture, but some things just ought to happen slowly.

The book Final Salute tells the story of Major Steve Beck, a U.S. Marine ...

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A Dying Girl Shows Honor of Serving God

Pediatrician David Cerqueira shares a story of how a dying girl showed his church the honor of serving God:

One Sunday my wife had prepared a lesson on ...

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Honoring our Lord

Missionary Stuart Sacks shares:

While I was serving in Paraguay, a Maka Indian named Rafael came to sit on my porch. I was eating and went out to see what ...

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