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Sermon Illustrations about Hindrances

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hindrances to help bring your sermon to life.

Marathon Runners Meet an Unexpected Obstacle

Anyone who's lived near train tracks knows the hassle and inconvenience a passing train can cause. You're already running late, you're driving up to the ...

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'White Elephant' Gifts Distract Us from Serving God

Gordon MacDonald shares the following story:

In ancient days when the king of Siam had an enemy he wanted to torment and destroy, he would send that enemy ...

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Man Takes 14 Years to Chisel Hole Through Mountain

When a mountain is in your way what do you do? Just ask Ramchandra Das, 53, who lives in Bihar, India. In order to access nearby fields for food and work, ...

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A Lesson About Spiritual Warfare from Alexander the Great

We can actually learn a lot about some of Satan's strategies in spiritual warfare by studying the military strategies of some of the warriors of old. ...

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Banding Together in Spiritual Warfare

Awlwyn Balnave lives in Calgary, Canada, and shared the following story:

A few years ago, an old acquaintance of mine served as a police officer in a northern ...

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The Stumbling-grains of Sin

As a very little dust will disorder a clock, and the least sand will obscure our sight, so the least grain of sin which is upon the heart will hinder ...

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The Reality of Violent Video Games

Forgive me, for I have killed.

I have used swords and shotguns, handguns and grenades. I have shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned. I have crushed skulls with ...

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Comfort Endangers Our Spiritual Lives

We're too comfortable to be spiritual…. We think we will be able to pursue God better without danger or hardship. And yet it works in just ...

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Albert Schweitzer on Sabbath Rest

"If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan."

—Physician, missionary Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965)

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Wilma Rudolph Overcame Obstacles to Win Olympic Gold

Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. Born prematurely, doctors did not expect Wilma to survive. She did, but at the age of four, she contracted ...

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