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Sermon Illustrations about God, evidence of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on God, evidence of to help bring your sermon to life.

Secular Jewish Writer Comes to Faith in Christ

The popular novelist Andrew Klavan was raised in a non-practicing Jewish home. For about the first 45 years of his life, he lived as a "philosophical ...

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Atheist Finds Christ through Christians and Science

Sarah Salviander is research scientist in the field of astrophysics. A lifelong atheist, Sarah became a theist as an undergraduate physics student, when ...

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Atheist Finds it Hard to Shake God

An article in the Washington Post is titled "I'm an atheist. So why can't I shake God?" and it suggests that it's "hard to believe in nothing when your ...

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Scientist Has Faith in Aliens but Not God

In a popular interview posted on YouTube, scientist Leonard Mlodinow, who co-authored The Grand Design with Stephen Hawking, declared, "Science shows ...

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Atheist Astronomer Suggests 'Intelligent Design'

One of the most astonishing discoveries astrophysicists have made in recent decades is that if gravity were just 0.000000000001 (one-trillionth of one) ...

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95 Percent of the Universe Still a Mystery

Today astronomers have come down on the side of believing that galaxies and galaxy clusters are pregnant with some sort of exotic material that is invisible ...

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God Made Us for Exploration and Adventure

An issue of Outside magazine had a short article about Reid Stowe, a 58 year-old sailor who at the time was en route to setting the record for the longest ...

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David Bowie: Not Quite an Atheist

David Bowie, the rock singer who died in 2016, once wrote a song called "Seven" in which he proclaimed his non-belief in God: "The gods forgot they've ...

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Earth Is a 1-in-700 Quintillion Planet

An article in Discovery magazine noted a new study that suggests there are around 700 quintillion planets in the universe, but only one like Earth. The ...

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Detective Accepts Christ Based on Evidence

As a cold-case homicide detective, J. Warner Wallace called himself a hardcore atheist and "evidentialist" because he believed the truth was always tied ...

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