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Sermon Illustrations about Fear of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fear of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Umpire Says He Calls the Plays

Bill Klem was the father of baseball umpires: colorful, judicious, and dignified. He was beyond passionate about America's favorite pastime, declaring, ...

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An Imaginary Talk with God about People-pleasing

Think about this the next time you feel pressure to please someone or to please a group of people rather than trying to fear and please God. Picture yourself ...

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A List of What You Really Should Fear

The phrase "Be afraid, be very afraid" was a tagline from the 1986 horror flick The Fly. Google the phrase and you'll get about 183 million results for ...

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Watching Eyes Reduce Crime, Increase Donations

How would your behavior change if you thought someone was watching you? Two recent studies suggest that you might start acting more honestly. A 2006 study ...

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Ancient King Obsessed with Becoming 'Unpoisonable'

One of the greatest fears for kings in the ancient world was death by poison. Most kings made slaves pre-taste the wine to test it for deadly toxins. ...

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Key Thinkers Define Freedom Apart from God

Os Guinness traces our contemporary idea of human freedom that "began in the Renaissance … blossomed in the Enlightenment and rose to its climax ...

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When We Treat God like the Geek Squad

The word geek is a slang term for (a) A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy; (b) A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific ...

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The FAA Cautions Pilots about Speed Limits

There's a very important letter that every pilot-in-training needs to learn about—the letter V, short for velocity. V-speeds are derived from aircraft ...

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A Young Boy Obeys His Father in Dangerous Traffic

A number of years ago, our family was in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip. If you've ever driven in a developing country, you know how dangerous ...

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Father Answers His Son's Question about Worship

In his book Letters to My Children, Daniel Taylor responds to a series of questions from his young children. At one point his son Matthew asks, "Church ...

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