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Sermon Illustrations about Fatherhood

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fatherhood to help bring your sermon to life.

In the Father's Arms

Though I was barely 6 years of age, I well remember sitting by a roaring fire on a Sunday during World War 2. Our family had fled the bombs that rained ...

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Why God Loves Us

I read the testimony of an ironsmith, who said he worked with iron because iron was so hard to bend into something beautiful. He said he wanted to make ...

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Daddy's Baby's Come Home

On a short flight from Tucson to Phoenix, I noticed a young woman with her baby. They were both dressed in white pinafores. The mother was smiling, and ...

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The Most Powerful Word

What is the most powerful word in the English language? Is it "honor" or "love" or "country"? Maybe it's "sacrifice."

Stu Weber, who has written the book ...

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Dad Is a Powerful Word

In Ramsey Count, Minnesota, ninth and tenth graders were interviewed recently about their dads. They were asked this question: "What comes to mind ...

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The Three Things Fathers Say Most

Family-life specialists Delmer W. Holbrook and his wife have been lecturing and conducting surveys across America. In a survey of hundreds of children, ...

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The Corn Doesn't Matter

Adrian Rogers, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, tells about the man who made his sons work in the cornfields while their peers spent ...

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The Separate World of Father and Son

Sometimes I feel left out of the world my husband, Dan, shares with our son. They share experiences I would never think of offering Danny. Like the time ...

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A Child's Trust

I remember watching a father play with his little boy, repeatedly throwing him in the air and catching him just before he hit the ground. The child is ...

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The Power of a Father

Having grown up virtually fatherless, I know firsthand how much it means to a child to have a caring, loving, involved dad. That's why it's so ...

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