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Sermon Illustrations about Falsehood

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Falsehood to help bring your sermon to life.

Rapper Wants to Prove the Earth Is Flat

Remember how we all learned in elementary school that people used to think the world was flat? Well, in case you didn't know: The Flat Earth Society still ...

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Job Applicant Sacrificed Integrity for Money

In his book Every Good Endeavor, Pastor Tim Keller provides the following helpful illustration:

At twenty-seven years old, Howard was given an opportunity ...

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'The Internet Is Broken' Because of Negativity says Twitter Cofounder

Evan Williams, a Twitter founder and co-creator of Blogger—wanted to set everyone free to express their emotions and opinions on line. So how's ...

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Forger Deceives Art Dealer with Celebrity Counterfeit

In our celebrity-crazed culture it's not surprising that people go crazy for memorabilia. For instance, the red leather jacket Michael Jackson wore for ...

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Man Wins Butter Substitute Lawsuit Against Dunkin' Donuts

Good news, butter-lovers: If you visit your local Dunkin' Donuts and receive a butter substitute instead of real butter, you might get some money. Jan ...

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Information Glut Drowns Out the Truth

A recent cover story for The Economist, an international magazine, was entitled "Yes, I'd lie to you: The post-truth world." The article analyzed the ...

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How Telling Small Lies Tricks Your Brain into Telling Big Lies

Everyone lies once in a while, but according to a new study people who tell small, self-serving lies are likely to progress to bigger falsehoods, and ...

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Expensive Truffle Oil Has No Truffles in It

Nothing boosts the prestige of a food or beverage like the perception that it is traditional, hand-picked, fresh, or otherwise limited in production. ...

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Snopes and the Search for Truth

We all know that the internet is full of lies and fake stories. It is sites like Snopes.com that we turn to in order to find out if a story is true or ...

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Florida Treasure Hunter Creates Fake Treasure

In April 2016, Harper's Magazine published a fascinating report about a man named Jay Miscovich, who found what he claimed were hundreds of emeralds from ...

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