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Sermon Illustrations about Exhortation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Exhortation to help bring your sermon to life.

Road Signs Warn Drivers Using Phones

Tim Hogan is the founder and CEO SaferStreet Solutions, a development firm focusing on improving traffic safety and reducing pedestrian deaths. For years, ...

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The Reason Self-Checkout Kiosks Have Mirrors

Amid the increasing number of self-service check-out stations cropping up at grocery stores and other vendors, companies have devised a unique measure ...

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Virtual Fences Keep Livestock from Wandering

Cole Mushrush does two things when he wakes up each morning at the family ranch: make up a pot of coffee, then fire up his laptop to see if any cows have ...

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Winston Churchill’s Wife Spoke the Truth in Love

In the early days of World War II, the stress of the war began to take its toll on Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England. His wife Clementine ...

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Is Your God a Stepford God?

In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller writes:

If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could ...

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A Letter from Winston Churchill’s Disappointed Mother

Winston Churchill was 15 years old and a student at Harrow School when his mother, Jennie Churchill, wrote himthe following letter from London on June ...

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Tennessee Teens Blanket Their School with Notes of Encouragement

Anyone who's been through it knows that middle school can be tough. At Harriman Middle School in Tennessee, a group of students took it upon themselves ...

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Competitiveness is a Better Motivator than Encouragement

If you've ever tried to find the motivation to start exercising more (around the New Year, perhaps), you have likely been encouraged to find a "workout ...

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President Andrew Jackson Learns to Forgive His Enemies

On July 8, 1838, the seventh president of the United States, General Andrew Jackson, informed his minister, the Reverend Dr. John Edgar, that he wanted ...

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Tom Hanks Admits He often Lies to People

After Reader's Digest nominated the actor Tom Hanks as "the most trusted man in the world" (in 2013), on the Late Show David Letterman ...

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