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Sermon Illustrations about Employee

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Employee to help bring your sermon to life.

Tim Keller on Work as Service vs. Idolatry

Speaking to a secular audience on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, Tim Keller offered the following advice on work, careers, and success:

When you make ...

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The Stress of Work-Life Imbalance

There's no doubt about it, Americans work hard—or at least they work a lot. An extensive study from 2010 explored the impact of our work habits ...

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Pilot Displays Competence during Crisis

On February 24, 1989, United Airlines Flight 811 took off from Honolulu on its way to New Zealand. The 747 had climbed to twenty-two thousand feet when ...

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Honesty Pays Off

Wall Street recruiters get their fill of resumes, most of which contain inflated GPA figures and exaggerated job skills. But one applicant caught many ...

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Summer Job as Greenskeeper Is God's Calling "for This Time"

T. David Gordon, in his book, "Vocation: Work Quietly with Your Hands," writes:

Perceiving [all] of our labor as a vocation can have a substantial ...

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Relationships with Co-workers Linked to Job-related Stress

Your job might be killing you—literally. More specifically, strained relationships with co-workers could be negatively impacting your health and ...

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Research Highlights the "Missing Ingredient"—Appreciation

Business researchers call it "the missing ingredient" or "the hidden accelerator." Most managers could transform their workplaces ...

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Mentor Teaches a Teenager about the Value of Service

In his book Leading Across Culture, James E. Plueddemann reflects on an experience that taught him the eternal value of service and working hard—even ...

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Serving God in Your Work

Martin Luther was approached by a working man who wanted to know how he could serve God. Luther asked him, "What is your work now?" The man ...

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Bob Newhart Experiences Legalistic Accounting

I took a job as an accountant in downtown Chicago. As your basic 9-to-5 bookkeeper, my duties included managing the petty cash. Salesmen would come in ...

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