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Summer Job as Greenskeeper Is God's Calling "for This Time"

T. David Gordon, in his book, "Vocation: Work Quietly with Your Hands," writes:

Perceiving [all] of our labor as a vocation can have a substantial impact on how we go about [any job]. I worked as greenskeeper at a golf course in the summer when I was in school. I knew I had no intention to mow greens and fairways for my "career." But for the nine summers I was a greenskeeper, I regarded it as my calling [from God] for the time. I was ordinarily one of the first to arrive and the last to leave; I routinely volunteered for the most unpleasant or demanding work; and I could run any piece of equipment in the shop, which made me a "utility infielder" for my [bosses].

In my judgment, there is far too much Christian conversation about "finding" our calling, and too little about "pursuing" the one we have.

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