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Sermon Illustrations about Conformity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Conformity to help bring your sermon to life.

NBA Players Resist the 'Granny Shot'

After his 15 year career in pro basketball, Rick Barry had hit a remarkable 89.9% of his shots from the free throw line. But Barry also had one of the ...

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NFL Refs Swayed by Crowd Pressure

Football referees are unbiased, right? They would never be influenced by fans or football players, right? Well, according to a recent study football refs ...

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Kindergartners Identify Common Brand Logos

Christian author and speaker Skye Jethani wrote about his kindergarten-aged daughter's homework assignment: Help your child identify as many logos as ...

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How All Cultures Can Domesticate the Gospel

The British theologian Leslie Newbigin told the following story to illustrate how different cultures water down the claims of Jesus:

When I was a young ...

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Children Prefer Food Covered in McDonald's Wrapper

In a study included in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine children were shown to overwhelmingly prefer the taste of food that comes in McDonald's ...

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The Actor Who Played Over 3,000 Roles

Milton Lichtman (also known as Jan Leighton) died at the age of eighty-seven. For over 30 years Lichtman's primary claim to fame was appearing in commercials ...

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Americans Don't Like Discussing Religion

A summary of a report from Pew Research Center, "religion [seems] to be a subject many people avoid. About half of U.S. adults tell us they seldom (33%) ...

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Millennials Are the Best and the Worst

Alexis Bloomer, a radio personality who interned under Dan Rather, recently (2016) took it upon herself to evaluate what's so wrong with her own millennial ...

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On Not Getting Used To Poverty

Dr. Robertson McQuilkin of Columbia International University tells a story about visiting his son in India. His son was working and living in the slums ...

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Poll Reveals Our Six-Part 'New Moral Code'

A recent (August 2015) poll from Barna highlighted what's been called our "new moral code." Here are the percentages of those who agreed "completely" ...

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