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Sermon Illustrations about Communication

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Communication to help bring your sermon to life.

Happy 50th Birthday, Cell Phones

It might be hard to imagine a world without cell phones, but there was most definitely a time when they remained the stuff of science fiction. That is, ...

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Teenagers’ Brains Tune Out Mother’s Voices

Ever get the feeling you're talking to a brick wall when trying to communicate with your teens? Well, a new study suggests there may be some science ...

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University Criticized for Using AI to Write Email

Two school officials have been suspended after a firestorm of controversy involving a single email. Nicole Joseph and Hasina Mohyuddin are the associate ...

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New York City Cuts Power for Last Pay Phones

At one point in time, you couldn’t walk 30 feet on a New York City block without encountering a pay phone. In the early 2000s, there were around ...

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Observing the World from Behind Closed Curtains

When Krish Kandiah was young, growing up in the United Kingdom, his family could always count on their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Oglive, to be around. ...

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Inventor of Cellphone Says ‘Get a Life’

The inventor of the world’s first cellphone says he’s stunned by how much time people now waste on their devices. 92-year-old Martin Cooper ...

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Romania’s Matrimonial Prison

Tucked away in the church grounds of Biertan, a quiet village in Romania, there is a small cottage known as the “matrimonial prison.” It was ...

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Professor Challenges Students to Give Up Cellphones for a Week

It's old school in Jacob Dannenberg's college dorm room. He uses an alarm clock to wake him up, handwritten notes for reminders, and an actual ...

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‘Woodworking Shed’ Combats Loneliness in Men

Across the world, men are learning that the easiest way to cure a bout of social isolation is not by talking face-to-face, but shoulder-to-shoulder.

When ...

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Rumors Compromise App for Sharing Compliments

In Fall 2022, the Gas app exploded in popularity among high schoolers, but a vicious, unfounded rumor caused its popularity to nosedive, confounding its ...

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