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Sermon Illustrations about Caring

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Caring to help bring your sermon to life.

Today's Biggest Disease

The biggest disease today is not leprosy or cancer. It's the feeling of being uncared for, unwanted-of being deserted and alone.

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Life in the Waiting Room

In One Church from the Fence, Wes Seelinger writes: "I have spent long hours in the intensive care waiting room ... watching with anguished people ...

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Love Makes a Winning Team

Lee Iacocca once asked legendary football coach Vince Lombardi what it took to make a winning team. The book Iacocca records Lombardi's answer: "There ...

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Tragic Loneliness

We need to see that universal sickness, that innumerable throng of men and women laden down with their secrets, laden down with their fears, their sufferings, ...

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Winsome Compassion

I read recently of a teaching hospital that found one of its young resident students had a marvelous effect on children. They responded to him with delight. ...

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Truly Caring for People

To truly care for people requires not caring too much about their approval or disapproval.

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Caring for the Needs of Others

People in our culture take notice when we care for the needs of others.

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Praying for Others as Yourself

Ask for others what you are praying for yourself.

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Rush Yarnell: Real Life Samaritan

Concentrating on rush hour traffic, Rush Yarnell just happened to glance in his rearview mirror and see the small boy collapse onto the snow-covered sidewalk. ...

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Ministering to Ministers

Who shall minister to the ministers, if not we, in our love for one another?

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