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Sermon Illustrations about Authenticity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Authenticity to help bring your sermon to life.

Weather Update Accidentally Enlivened by Video Filters

When a reporter for an ABC affiliate tried to give an inclement weather update, he was confused by the initial response. After finding out what happened, ...

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Dishonesty Begets Dishonesty and Spreads Like a Contagion

The World Bank estimates that globally at least $1 trillion is used annually for bribes and corrupt exchanges of all types, in business and government. ...

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Secular World Puzzled About Authenticity

Scientific American magazine reports a lot of confusion and disagreement as to exactly what is genuine authenticity. We are taught to be ourselves and ...

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NFL Player Reprimands Jersey-Clad Fan Crime

Sometimes NFL fans are embarrassed by the players they cheer for when they get into scrapes with the law. But this time, the proverbial football cleat ...

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Whistleblower Protection Office Fails to Protect Whistleblowers

A government agency designed to protect those who blow the whistle on corruption and malfeasance is now under investigation for retaliating against the ...

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Hollywood Actors Arrested in College Admissions Fraud

In a coordinated effort across state lines, federal authorities announced charges and arrests for fifty people involved in a $25 million fraud operation ...

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The Harmony of the Gospels is like Reporters at Sports Event

In his book, Faith Is Like Skydiving, Rick Mattson illustrates the reliability of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and resurrection by drawing ...

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‘Someone Has a Real Problem - Oh, It’s Me!’

My friend Barry Thomas and I went camping at Sherando Lake a few summers ago. It had been raining, and more rain was forecast, but we thought we could ...

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The Lighthouse That Wrecked More Ships Than it Saved

For more than forty years a lighthouse stood on a large peninsula jutting into the Tasman Sea in southern Australia. It stood at a place where it shouldn’t ...

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The Death of Truth in our Culture

The concept of truth has been dying a slow death for many years and has become more noticeable in the past decade or so. In the early 2000s, comedian ...

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