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Sermon Illustrations about Assumptions

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Assumptions to help bring your sermon to life.

Zoom Court Driver Unfairly Maligned

One of the lasting byproducts of the worldwide pandemic is the fact that many face-to-face institutional interactions of modern life have been conveniently ...

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Are You an Illuminator or Diminisher?

I’ve noticed along the way of life that some people are much better at seeing people than others are. In any collection of humans, there are diminishers ...

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The NFL Player Who Scored for the Other Team

NFL lineman Jim Marshall was part of the revered “Purple People Eater” Minnesota Viking defensive line. For twenty seasons he never missed ...

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‘Beauty’ Brings Special Privileges

Beauty has its privileges. Studies reliably show that the most physically attractive among us tend to get more attention from parents, better grades in ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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The Transience of Human 'Truth'

A clip from a Pursuit of Wonder video illustrates how man's ideas of what is true often turns out to be completely false.

In Peru in the middle of ...

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NASA Orbiter Exploded Based on Wrong Assumption

On December 11, 1998, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a highly advanced piece of technology that cost $327 million. The data it gathered ...

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Beauty's Inexhaustible Shame Machine

Author Cathy O'Neal's The Shame Machine, delves into the numerous ways that corporations, governments, and much of the media have weaponized and ...

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False Assumptions About Others

Author Todd Rose makes the point that our tendency to make false assumptions, or fall into collective illusions, can result in mistrust, discouragement, ...

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The World's Last Lost Tourist

49-year-old German brewery worker Erwin Kreuz blew his life savings on a once-in-a-lifetime birthday trip to San Francisco. He’d seen it on TV, ...

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