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Sermon Illustrations about Accomplishments

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Accomplishments to help bring your sermon to life.

Edwin Hawkins Impacted Popular Culture Through Gospel Music

Gospel star Edwin Hawkins, most notable for the crossover hit "Oh Happy Day," died of pancreatic cancer at 74.

Alongside luminaries like Andrae Crouch ...

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Writing Your Un-Resume

You know the resume drill—make a list of all your amazing accomplishments, job duties, and honors—to impress your friends, enemies, and potential ...

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Novelist Amy Tan on Pressure from Mom

The New York Times recently interviewed the Chinese novelist Amy Tan, a woman who has written some powerful books about the immigrant and minority experience ...

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Paul McCartney Admits His Insecurities

In an interview with NPR, former Beatles star Paul McCartney said:

It seems to me that no matter how famous [you are], no matter how accomplished or how ...

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Chuck Colson: God Used My Greatest Defeat

Chuck Colson said in a sermon:

The great paradox [of my life] is that every time I walk into a prison and see the faces of men or women who have been transformed ...

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Identity Defined by Kept Promises

Our culture tells us we can be real selves only if we claim our right to self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment. But a free self knows he becomes a genuine ...

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What Really Matters

The question to ask at the end of life's race is not so much "What have I accomplished?" but "Whom have I loved, and how courageously?"

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Worship Is a Time to Celebrate

I used to be the chaplain for the Astros and the Oilers when I was in Houston, Texas. After I'd do a chapel, they'd give me tickets. One time ...

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Doing Nothing and Doing Everything

Many Christians feel more comfortable with the idea that apart from Christ they can do nothing, than they do with the other side of that coin: that they ...

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