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10 Army Lessons for Real Men

Patrick Hennessey, a British Army captain, wrote an interesting post titled "10 Army Lessons All Men Can Learn From." (There might be some interesting angles for a Father's Day message.) Some of his ten lessons have some profound biblical connections—like "You can't do everything on your own," or "Learn from the experience of others," or "There are worse things than being bored." Personally, I liked lesson number 11—"Appreciate Your Friends."

Hennessey writes, ‘Most servicemen are patriots … but none of them die and get injured for their country … they do it for the men on either side of them. We live in an age when 'buddy movies' suggest the height of male friendship is getting a friend out of trouble with a stripper in Vegas. I've seen men dead on their feet with exhaustion and knowing the threat outside the gate, stand up and volunteer to go straight back out on patrol because their mates were in trouble—that's true 'bromance,' and it's a precious thing.’

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