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Preaching Today and Caring Network: Sanctity of Life Sermon Competition

Preaching Today understands the importance but also the complexity of preaching on abortion. So, we partnered with Caring Network in Chicagoland to provide models of life-affirming sermons. Caring Network is a place that helps care for women facing unexpected pregnancies, restores those who’ve already been hurt by abortion, and mobilizes God’s people for the work of life. You can learn more about Caring Network on their website.
There were some rules for the sermons that were submitted. The sermons had to:
- Be rooted in Scripture (either textual or topical)
- Demonstrate love for pregnant women in hard and sometimes anguished situations
- Avoid partisan politics
- Be clear and well-organized
- Grasp our current cultural complexity and confusion on this issue
- Offer the hope of Jesus Christ
A panel of judges reviewed the submissions of the sermon manuscripts we received and chose their top three. Caring Network awarded $1,000, $500, and $250 to these three winners. Congratulations to the winners!
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
I want to thank everyone who submitted sermons for this competition and extend my congratulations to the three winners. Well done!
Here is the response we received from the second-place winner when we let him know he won:
Wow, I’m falling out of my chair. I never think my sermons are very good. I’m just a simple pastor at a small church. This is such a blessing.
May God continue to empower pastors, regardless of the size of their church, to preach boldly and compassionately on the sacred value of every human life, and to equip the church to both love the least of these, and to love the women and men who have abortion in their past.
Kirt Wiggins
Caring Network
Andrew Finch is the Managing Editor for