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Yancey Arrington

The Struggle with Anxiety

Yancey Arrington
The gospel is very ‘okay’ with your brokenness.


We have either heard or experienced a version of this kind of story. Someone feels so greatly plagued by a worry or anxiety that it’s ...

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Hannah Brown

The Reminder of Reliance

Hannah Brown
Desiring God makes us remember who God is.


Would you rather have an endless supply of brownies or of ice cream? Would you rather lose your sense of hearing or your sense of sight? Would ...

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Matthew LaTourelle

Let God Guide Your Sex Life

Matthew LaTourelle
Two reasons why we should use God’s wisdom—not ours—with sex.


(Read 1 Thess. 4:3-8)

For many people—especially those of the younger generations—it’s passages like this that are a real ...

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Mattie Mae Motl

Pay Attention

Mattie Mae Motl
How can we find the kingdom of God?


One time, my family and I went to a restaurant. As per usual, I was off in my own little world while my family grabbed their food and sat ...

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Gregory Hollifield

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Gregory Hollifield
Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

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