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J. Michael Jordan

How to Preach About Anxiety

J. Michael Jordan
3 ways to help our preaching provide more meaningful, tangible support for people who experience anxiety.

Brian dropped by my campus ministry office one day to chat. This was not uncommon as he was one of the students I knew best. He wanted to share about ...

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Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Gospel of the Living Dead

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby
Preaching in the season of Halloween.

Halloween has always fascinated me. Growing up, I knew plenty of families who abstained from the holiday on principle. They did not think it was proper ...

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Lee Eclov

Check Under the Carpet

Lee Eclov
Weekly Devotional for Preachers

My Dear Shepherds,

Achan and I go way back.

He was the Israelite described in Joshua 7 who stole the “devoted things” after Jericho fell. Everything ...

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Gregory Hollifield

Though I Walk Through the Shadowed Valley

Gregory Hollifield
Finding healing in the midst of crises (mental, physical, and spiritual).

“Different, not less” is how Eustace Grandin describes her young daughter Temple in the award-winning HBO film bearing her name. As depicted ...

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Sean Palmer

Make It Look Easy

Sean Palmer
The difference between unprepared preaching and good preaching.

“Good heavens, the man only works an hour a week.” Those are the words I can remember from Marge Simpson in an episode of The Simpsons from ...

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