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Editor's Update

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Power: Gollum or Jesus?

Money, Sex, and Power. Okay, we get money and sex, but what about power? Is it really that bad? According to this week's sermon—"Power, Politics, and the Example of Christ"—like money and sex, power is always a two-edged sword. Ultimately, power leads to two paths—Gollum's way or Jesus' way. As Mike Woodruff says, "Gollum had the ring of power for ages and it turned him into a soulless, wispy creature …. Frodo claims the ring, and it slowly destroys him, too." Thankfully, there's a better way—the way of Jesus, who used his power to serve and redeem. And because of him, we can do the same.

In this season of heated political wrangling, Woodruff offers a refreshing, Christ-centered perspective on how to get and give away real power.

This week we also feature:

Preaching Christ,

Matt Woodley
Managing Editor, PreachingToday.com

P.S. In this week's News That Illustrates column we also offer a powerful quote from the Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi (who was just awarded the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal) and a humorous take on the NFL debacle that was known as "The Replacement Refs."

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.